google business profile change 2024

Google Business Profile change in 2024

In 2024, Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) introduces a suite of updates and features that redefine how local businesses interact with their customers and manage their online presence. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new and how these changes could impact your local SEO and customer engagement strategies:

google business profile change 2024

Direct Dashboard Access

Google now allows businesses to access and manage their Google Business Profile directly through Google Search. This update simplifies the process of making quick edits and viewing insights, removing the need to navigate through complex URLs to access your dashboard​​.

Messaging on Desktop

Expanding beyond the mobile app, Google has introduced messaging functionality directly from the desktop. This update provides businesses with an easier way to engage with customers, answer their queries in real-time, and enhance the overall customer service experience​​.

Incorporating Social Media Profiles

In a bid to provide a more cohesive online presence, businesses can now add links to their social media profiles directly on their Google Business Profile. This feature ensures potential customers have immediate access to a business’s broader online presence, enhancing engagement and providing more avenues for customer interaction​​.

Enhanced Review Insights and Management

Staying on top of customer feedback is easier than ever. Businesses can quickly view and respond to new reviews, create Google Ads, and post updates directly from the updated interface. This feature aims to keep businesses connected with their audience and promptly address their feedback​​​​.

local business and the change of business profile in 2024

Google’s Algorithm Updates

While not directly tied to Google Business Profile features, it’s crucial to note Google’s algorithm updates that emphasize the importance of helpful, authentic content. The “Hidden Gems” update aims to highlight valuable content from sources that might not typically rank high in search results. This ongoing effort to improve search relevance and quality underscores the importance of genuine, insightful content creation for businesses​​.

These updates are designed to empower local businesses with more control and flexibility in managing their online presence. By making these tools more accessible and user-friendly, Google is helping businesses to enhance their visibility, engage more effectively with their audience, and ultimately drive more traffic and sales.

For businesses aiming to stay ahead in the digital landscape, embracing these updates and integrating them into their local SEO and online marketing strategies is key. The shift towards more direct and interactive customer engagement, coupled with the emphasis on content quality, sets the stage for a more dynamic and competitive online business environment in 2024 and beyond.