Schema structured data tags,” also known as “schema markup,” refer to a specific vocabulary of tags (or microdata) that you can add to your HTML to improve the way search engines read and represent your page in search engine results pages (SERPs). Developed through a collaborative effort by Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex, provides a collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use to mark up their pages in ways that can be understood by major search engines.

The use of schema structured data helps search engines understand the content of a webpage and gather detailed information, enabling them to display more informative results for users. This can include enriched snippets that feature elements like star ratings, images, author information, and more, directly in the search results.

Key aspects and benefits of using schema structured data tags include:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: By providing search engines with detailed insights into the page’s content, schema markup can enhance the appearance of the webpage in SERPs, potentially increasing click-through rates.
  2. Rich Snippets: Webpages with schema markup can qualify for rich snippets, which are enhanced search results featuring additional information like ratings, images, and more. For example, recipes might show a photo, preparation time, and rating directly in the search results.
  3. Improved SEO Performance: While schema markup itself is not a direct ranking factor, it can influence SEO indirectly by making your pages more easily understood by search engines and by potentially increasing user engagement through richer search results.
  4. Support for Voice Search: As voice search becomes more prevalent, having structured data can help voice assistants understand the content of your pages better, making it more likely that your content will be featured in voice search results.

Schema markup covers a wide range of types and uses, including but not limited to:

  • Articles
  • Local businesses
  • Events
  • Products and offers
  • Recipes
  • Reviews and ratings

To implement schema structured data on a webpage, you would typically use JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), Microdata, or RDFa formats. JSON-LD is the most recommended format by Google for adding structured data to a webpage. Here’s a basic example of how schema markup might look in JSON-LD format:

<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Recipe",
"name": "Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Chef John"
"datePublished": "2018-03-10",
"description": "This is a classic chocolate chip cookie recipe that has been perfected to produce soft, chewy cookies every time.",
"prepTime": "PT30M",
"cookTime": "PT15M",
"recipeYield": "24 cookies",
"image": "",

Incorporating schema structured data into your website requires careful planning and implementation to ensure accuracy and compliance with guidelines. When done correctly, it can significantly enhance your content’s discoverability and presentation in search results.